Empowering positive outcomes

Academic coaching

At Going Beyond Results we have fully qualified and experienced academic coaches that are matched to each of our students.

In 2020, 100% of students coached by Going Beyond Results gained placement in their first choice university course. 

achieve the best results

Our academic coaches will help you achieve results across a number of disciplines

Going Beyond Results empowers secondary and university students to achieve positive outcomes through academic coaching.

We increase the self-efficacy in our students by developing their executive function skills including:

  • Time management
  • Organisation skills
  • Prioritising
  • Initiating
  • Long- and short-term planning and
  • Maintaining balance

A major part of our program is learning to control negative emotions and how to effectively manage stress and anxiety.

Our programs are developed for the individual and we take the time to get to know you and build a program that will result in an independent, confident student empowered to achieve positive outcomes.

all-round approach

Why we use the TASK

Over One Semester Going Beyond Results empowered a group of Senior Secondary students to achieve positive outcomes. The program of 1 on 1, personalised academic coaching resulted in students who were more organised, less stressed and achieving academically.

The techniques, attitudes, skills and knowledges developed have assisted them this Semester but will also serve them into future study and the workforce.

The students in the cohort were a mixture of male and female, from public schools, independent single sex schools and faith based single sex schools in Brisbane. A range of academic abilities was also present.

Prior to commencing each student undertook a benchmarking exercise which included a self-audit of “academic skills”; an analysis of academic strengths and areas for improvement identified through interviews with the student and parent/s; and analysis of past reports and results.

The program involved a series of personalised coaching sessions that focussed on developing techniques, attitudes, skills and knowledge that would support the student to achieve positive outcomes in their schooling and wider life.

Overall outcomes were incredibly positive with:

  • An average increase of 1.7 GPA points 
  • An increase in perceived self-efficacy in the students demonstrated by elevated ratings in the self-audit.
  • Positive feedback from both students and parents

What our students say

“This week in my reflection I gave myself a rating of 9/10. I am really happy with how well my study is going, I’m just working so much better, I’m more focussed and when I’m in class I really know what I’m doing.”

“With the coaching help I have been able to set clear and achievable goals. This has given me something to aim for and has increased my focus. The GBR program has been a great help to me”

“Gary provided me with many tips and tricks to help study more efficiently and overall have better time management. Some of these tips included how to identify and minimize my distractions, such as my mobile phone”

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